February 5: A Call for Solidarity with Kashmiris

February 5: A Call for Solidarity with Kashmiris

February 2, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Kashmir Solidarity Day, observed on 5th February every year, holds significant importance for Pakistan and the international community. The day serves as a platform to express unwavering support for the just struggle of Kashmiris in their quest for the right to self-determination. This article delves into the history and significance of Kashmir Solidarity Day, shedding light on the ongoing challenges faced by the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

February 5th symbolizes the deep-rooted relationship between Pakistan and Kashmir, reviving cultural, religious, and geographical bonds. The day is marked by public processions, special prayers, and protests against the Indian oppression of Kashmir. The observance resonates globally, with people, predominantly Kashmiris, worldwide acknowledging the day as an international event.

Pakistan observes Kashmir Solidarity Day as a testament to its commitment to providing political, moral, and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination. The support aligns with the principles enshrined in the UN Charter and relevant resolutions. The day serves as a reminder of the shared aspirations for justice, freedom, and the right to determine one’s political future.

The article highlights India’s repressive regime in IIOJK through draconian laws such as the IIOJK Disturbed Areas Act, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, and the Public Safety Act. These laws empower Indian forces to make arbitrary arrests, detain individuals indefinitely, and even resort to extrajudicial killings. The current situation in IIOJK is described as the worst in recent history, with the people facing deprivation of fundamental rights, including the right to life, food, health, freedom of expression, and assembly.

The article discusses the aftermath of India’s abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A, exposing Indian colonial designs. It highlights the political machinations and saffronization of the Indian Supreme Court’s decision, questioning the promised peace and prosperity. The surge in the freedom struggle indicates a stark contrast to the Indian-created myth of normalcy, leaving the people of IIOJK feeling betrayed and used for political ambitions.

The United Nations General Assembly’s recent adoption of a Pakistan-sponsored resolution on the “Universal Realization of the Right of the People to Self-determination” underscores international acknowledgement of the Kashmir cause. This recognition, with the consensus of 72 countries, reaffirms the urgency of addressing the plight of the Kashmiri people.

On Kashmir Solidarity Day, special transmissions are broadcasted to highlight the Kashmir cause, both nationally and internationally. Pakistan’s missions abroad commemorate special events to inform the international community about the persecution faced by Kashmiris under illegal Indian occupation. These diplomatic initiatives aim to garner global support and draw attention to the ongoing crisis in IIOJK. Kashmir Solidarity Day serves as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility to address the plight of the Kashmiri people. As Pakistan continues to extend moral, political, and diplomatic support to the just cause of IIOJK, the international community is urged to actively engage in finding a peaceful and just resolution in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions. The observance of Kashmir Solidarity Day is not merely a symbolic gesture but a call for justice, recognition, and a commitment to human rights for the people of Kashmir.