Elections in IIOJK: A Facade for Military Control by India

Elections in IIOJK: A Facade for Military Control by India

August 19, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Elections in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are criticized as a mere façade. The announcement of assembly polls by India’s Election Commissioner is seen as insignificant for the oppressed Kashmiri population.

India’s real intent behind these elections is to reinforce its illegal control over the region. The process is viewed as a way to give a democratic surface to its military occupation by installing puppet representatives.

The Modi government is accused of staging these elections to mislead the international community. The polls are seen as a tactic to support the false narrative of normalcy in IIOJK.

The upcoming elections in IIOJK are also perceived as an attempt to distract from the ongoing freedom movement. By focusing on these elections, India aims to distort the reality of the Kashmiri struggle for independence.

Kashmiris are said to sacrifice not for elections but for a UN-sanctioned plebiscite, which reflects their genuine aspiration for self-determination. India’s actions on August 5, 2019, are viewed as a blatant disregard for these aspirations.

Holding elections in IIOJK cannot alter the disputed status of Kashmir. These polls are seen as a poor substitute for the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, which they demand through a plebiscite, not election theatrics.

The media and international observers are urged to see through the election charade and recognize it as part of India’s broader strategy to obscure the true nature of the conflict. Kashmiris continue to call for their right to a plebiscite, which remains unaddressed by the current electoral maneuvers.

To summarize, the electoral process in IIOJK is criticized as a superficial tactic to legitimize ongoing military control. The true aspirations of the Kashmiri people—self-determination and a plebiscite—are overshadowed by these political theatrics.