Custodial Killings Have Become Commonplace in IIOJK

Custodial Killings Have Become Commonplace in IIOJK

June 6, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The lives of people in occupied Jammu and Kashmir are at the mercy of brutal Indian troops, where even custodial killings have become a norm. Today, a Kashmiri youth, Imtiyaz Ahmad Pala, was tortured to death by Indian police at Litter Police Station in Pulwama.

Thousands of youth have perished in Indian army-run interrogation centers over the past 34 years in IIOJK. Indian troops, under the protection of draconian laws, have killed 96,308 Kashmiris, including 7,336 in custody, since 1989.

Custodial killings in occupied Jammu and Kashmir are meant to create a fear psychosis among the Kashmiris. The people of Kashmir are witnessing fake encounters and extrajudicial killings frequently in the territory.

The Indian government is violating international norms in IIOJK, and world rights organizations must take cognizance of these gross rights violations by Indian troops. The United Nations must also intervene to stop the genocide and custodial killings in the occupied territory.

Imtiyaz Ahmad Pala’s death is a tragic reminder of the ongoing brutality faced by Kashmiris. His death adds to the long list of atrocities committed by Indian forces in the region.

The international community’s silence on these issues is concerning. Human rights organizations must pressure India to adhere to international laws and respect the basic human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The United Nations has a crucial role in addressing these violations. Intervention is necessary to prevent further loss of life and to ensure justice for the victims of these atrocities. The world must not turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Kashmiris.