Charge Sheet: Ten Years of Modi Government in India

Charge Sheet: Ten Years of Modi Government in India

May 12, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The charge sheet against the ten-year rule of the Modi government in India, as outlined in the AnyayKaal document published by the Congress, underscores several key areas of concern for Indians. These include:

Unemployment: The document criticizes the Modi government for failing to address the deteriorating job environment, with unemployment rates reaching alarming levels, especially among educated youth. The lack of appropriate job opportunities for engineering and PhD graduates is highlighted, with many skilled individuals forced into menial jobs.

Tax Terrorism: The Modi government is accused of implementing poorly designed GST laws that disproportionately burden common people and small businesses while benefiting big corporations. The constant changes in tax laws add to the confusion and uncertainty, benefiting those close to the government while harming small business owners and the lower strata of society.

Decline in the Manufacturing Sector: Despite the ‘Make in India’ initiative, India has witnessed a decline in the share of manufacturing industries in the GDP. The growth in the manufacturing sector has been stagnant, failing to provide adequate employment opportunities for the growing workforce.

Democracy in Danger: The misuse of investigative and executive agencies is highlighted as a threat to Indian democracy, with opposition members targeted and cases manipulated for political gain. Attacks on constitutional principles and transparency further erode democratic norms, with concerns raised about the fairness of electoral processes.

National Security Compromised: The Modi government is criticized for its failure to defend against Chinese incursions and its handling of internal security issues, such as the violence in Manipur. The document questions the government’s efficacy and commitment to addressing security challenges, raising concerns about its ability to protect Indian interests.

As a whole, the AnyayKaal document portrays a bleak picture of the Modi government’s governance, highlighting issues ranging from economic mismanagement to threats to democracy and national security. It reflects growing public disillusionment with the ruling party and calls into question its policies and priorities.