December 31, 2021 Off By Sharp Media

Fascist Indian government is using political and administrative machinations to subdue and silence the Kashmiris while on the other side, Indian forces have let loose a reign of terror in the occupied territory. Hurriyat organizations have appealed to the Kashmiri people to observe complete strike on 1st January 2022 against the ongoing genocide and Indian government’s imperialistic policies aimed at changing the demographic complexion of the occupied territory. APHC spokesman criticized Delimitation Commission’s ill-designed proposal about allotting 6 additional seats to Hindu-dominated Jammu and one additional seat to Muslim dominated Kashmir valley. Modi-regime is forcibly implementing nefarious agenda of usurping all fundamental rights of the people of Kashmir including political, economic, social and religious rights. Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party said that New Delhi is using Delimitation Commission to advance the BJP’s dangerous game plan aimed at curtailing the role of Muslim majority politics in the territory. Leaders of Peoples Alliance for Gupkar Declaration have termed the proposal as ‘divisive’ and announced to stage protest against the draft on 01 January, 2022. Jammu and Kashmir Political Resistance Movement General Secretary, Dr Musaib Ahmad has expressed serious concern over the dangerous anti-Kashmir policies of Modi regime and grim situation prevailing in IIOJK.