Call for Abolition of Draconian Laws: Activists in India Demand Release of UAPA Detainees

Call for Abolition of Draconian Laws: Activists in India Demand Release of UAPA Detainees

May 23, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Prominent human rights activists and legal experts have united in demanding the immediate abolition of draconian laws like the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and the release of all individuals detained under its provisions. This call to action was made during a well-attended public meeting organized by Jan Hastakshep, an anti-fascist forum, at the Press Club of India in New Delhi.

The meeting, chaired by Dr. Anoop Saraya, focused on the plight of those imprisoned under oppressive laws like the UAPA for minor offenses. The speakers emphasized that such laws have no place in a democratic society and urged for the release of all detainees. They highlighted the importance of safeguarding democracy by ensuring the public can exercise their constitutional rights, especially during a critical parliamentary election.

Advocate Gonzalves voiced concerns about the increasing conflicts within the judiciary regarding its role in protecting citizens’ democratic rights. He cited various rulings from the Indian Supreme Court and high courts that raised questions about the judiciary’s independence and its commitment to upholding civil liberties.

Advocate Parikh discussed the gradual shift in criminal jurisprudence that has allowed individuals to be charged under terror legislation without committing actual acts of terrorism. He stressed the necessity of a grassroots movement to abolish draconian laws rather than relying solely on judicial intervention.

Advocate Shahrukh Alam provided a comparative analysis of India’s legal system with those of other countries, highlighting differences in law enforcement and judicial approaches to civil liberties. Her comparison underscored the need for reforms in India’s legal framework to better protect individual rights.

Prof. Nandini Sundar criticized the government’s use of laws like the UAPA to suppress dissent instead of curbing terrorism. She cited numerous instances where individuals were labeled as terrorists simply for advocating for their democratic rights. Her remarks underscored the misuse of such laws to stifle opposition and target activists.

The meeting concluded with the unanimous passage of a resolution demanding the immediate abolition of the UAPA and the release of all individuals detained under the Act. This resolution represents a collective outcry against the misuse of anti-terrorism laws to curb civil liberties and target dissenting voices.