Article 370 in IIOJK is Reversible: Vice President NC

Article 370 in IIOJK is Reversible: Vice President NC

May 22, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Omar Abdullah, Vice President of the National Conference, has strongly condemned the 2019 decision by the Modi-led Indian government to abrogate Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. In a recent media interview in Srinagar, Abdullah asserted that the decision was both illegal and unconstitutional, and he vowed to continue efforts to reverse it.

Abdullah argued that the revocation of Article 370, which granted special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir, was a man-made decision, and like all such decisions, it can be undone. He pointed out that previous Supreme Court judgments had upheld Article 370, suggesting that future legal challenges might overturn the current ruling. “Every man-made decision can be reversed,” he stated, emphasizing the potential for a different Supreme Court bench to restore the article.

He also noted that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will not remain in power indefinitely and highlighted that there are other political parties with differing views on the issue. Abdullah stressed the importance of keeping the debate on Article 370 alive, advocating for persistence until a political shift enables the restoration of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status.

Addressing claims by the Modi government that the abrogation of Article 370 has normalized the situation in Kashmir, Abdullah dismissed these assertions. He pointed to ongoing violence, recent killings, and continuous cordon and search operations as evidence that the region remains far from normal. Abdullah also refuted the government’s claims that the decision led to high voter turnout, calling such statements baseless.

Abdullah further highlighted the adverse impacts on the local population, citing the suffering of thousands due to adverse police reports. He condemned the harassment and detention of political workers by police, labeling these actions as injustices that exacerbate the already strained situation in the region.

To summarize, Omar Abdullah remains committed to challenging the 2019 abrogation of Article 370. He believes that a future political landscape and judicial review could potentially reverse the decision. Abdullah’s stance highlights the ongoing debate and tension surrounding the governance of Jammu and Kashmir, highlighting the region’s complex and troubled relationship with the central government.