April Toll in IIOJK: Indian Troops Took Lives of Another Eight Innocent Kashmiris

April Toll in IIOJK: Indian Troops Took Lives of Another Eight Innocent Kashmiris

May 2, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

In April, Indian forces operating in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) region continued their campaign of oppression and violence, resulting in the tragic deaths of eight Kashmiris, including a young boy. Among the deceased, five lost their lives in what are reported to be fake encounters or while in custody of Indian security personnel.

Throughout this period, the Indian Army, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), National Investigation Agency (NIA), and State Investigation Agency conducted a sweeping crackdown, arresting 205 civilians, including prominent figures like Hurriyet leader Firdous Ahmed Shah, political activists, as well as youth and students. Many of those detained were charged under draconian laws such as the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and the Public Safety Act (PSA).

The scale of tragedy in IIOJK is staggering, with over 96,300 Kashmiris martyred since January 1989. This relentless violence over seven decades has failed to subdue the spirit of Kashmiri resistance; instead, it has fueled their determination for freedom.

The international community’s intervention is urgently needed to address the political injustices and tyranny endured by the people of IIOJK for decades. The Kashmir dispute, lingering for too long, must be resolved in accordance with United Nations resolutions.

Meanwhile, the plight of over five thousand individuals, including Hurriyat leaders, activists, youth, students, religious scholars, journalists, and human rights defenders, remains dire. Many prominent figures, such as APHC Chairman Masarrat Aalam Butt, Muhammad Yasin Malik, and Aasiya Andrabi, are among those languishing in jails across India and IIOJK.

This systematic suppression of dissent and violation of human rights in IIOJK demands immediate attention and action from the global community. The continued incarceration of Kashmiri leaders and activists, alongside the targeting of journalists and human rights defenders, underscores the urgent need for justice and accountability.

The voices of Kashmiris, silenced by oppression, must be heard, and their rights respected. It is imperative for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of IIOJK and press for an end to the cycle of violence and repression perpetrated by Indian forces. Only through concerted efforts and adherence to principles of justice and human rights can lasting peace and stability be achieved in the region.