APHC Denounces Indian Government’s Repressive Tactics in Occupied Kashmir

APHC Denounces Indian Government’s Repressive Tactics in Occupied Kashmir

March 31, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has strongly condemned the BJP-led Indian government’s use of draconian measures to stifle the voices of freedom in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). According to APHC spokesman Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas, every Kashmiri feels suffocated amidst an atmosphere of fear and terror in the region.

Minhas highlighted the Indian government’s resort to draconian laws, oppressive methods, and unlawful practices to suppress dissenting voices in IIOJK. He pointed out that since the revocation of Article 370 in August 2019, Indian troops have intensified their brutal operations in the region.

The issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris by the Modi regime, aiming to alter the demographic composition of IIOJK and undermine the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination, has been strongly criticized by the APHC. This move is perceived as a deliberate attempt to diminish the Muslim majority in the region.

The APHC urged the people of Jammu and Kashmir to unite against the BJP’s divisive agenda and thwart its anti-Kashmir designs. The statement emphasized that New Delhi’s use of killings, arrests, torture, and other brutal tactics will not deter Kashmiris from their struggle for freedom.

Expressing grave concern for the well-being of thousands of Kashmiris, including Hurriyat leaders, youth, students, and activists detained in jails across India and the occupied territory, the APHC denounced their arbitrary incarceration. Their only “crime,” as per the spokesman, is opposing India’s illegal occupation of their homeland.

In light of the deteriorating human rights situation in IIOJK, the APHC called upon the international community to promptly address the issue and exert pressure on India to allow Kashmiris to determine their political future autonomously. The statement underscores the urgent need for global intervention to safeguard the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people of Kashmir.

The APHC’s stance reflects the resilience of Kashmiris in the face of adversity and their unwavering commitment to achieving their legitimate aspirations for freedom and self-determination. As Kashmir continues to grapple with repression and violence, the APHC’s call for international solidarity and intervention resonates as a crucial step towards justice and peace in the region.