APHC Condemns India’s Actions in Disputed Kashmir: Calls for International Intervention for Peace

APHC Condemns India’s Actions in Disputed Kashmir: Calls for International Intervention for Peace

February 16, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC) asserts that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory recognized by the United Nations Security Council. They condemn the Indian government’s actions on August 5, 2019, which divided the territory into two Indian union territories, violating UN resolutions and bilateral agreements. They criticize India’s treatment of Kashmiri youth and political leaders, citing human rights abuses and repression. The APHC praises Kashmiri youth for their resilience in the face of oppression and calls for New Delhi to abandon its hardline stance, emphasizing that genuine freedom movements cannot be suppressed by force. They highlight the plight of Kashmiri prisoners, denouncing their unjust treatment and lack of fair trial rights. The APHC urges the international community and influential governments to address the worsening political and human rights situation in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and resolve the Kashmir dispute based on UN Security Council resolutions to establish peace in the region.