27th October Recalls India’s Nefarious Plans to Occupy Land of IIOJK

27th October Recalls India’s Nefarious Plans to Occupy Land of IIOJK

October 11, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

October 27 marks a grim anniversary for Kashmiris, recalling the day in 1947 when Indian troops entered their homeland with their reprehensible plans.

This event symbolizes India’s ambition to seize Kashmir while utterly disregarding the rights and wishes of its inhabitants. The chaotic aftermath of Partition left Kashmir’s fate hanging in the balance.

On July 19, 1947, the Muslim Conference urged Maharaja Hari Singh to accede to Pakistan, reflecting the desires of the Muslim-majority populace. However, in a shocking twist, Singh opted for accession to India, backed by a controversial Instrument of Accession.

This raises fundamental questions about legitimacy. This accession genuinely deviates from people will, rather this was under severe pressure. India’s claims of legitimate accession swiftly devolved into military intervention, igniting a brutal, unresolved conflict.

The Jammu Massacre, where thousands of Muslims were killed, exemplifies the horrors that followed. Witnessing such atrocities, many young Kashmiris felt compelled to take up arms to defend their lives and assert their identity.

The heavy military presence and oppressive policies by India have further cornered Kashmiris in IIOJK, leaving them with little hope for a peaceful resolution. The international community initially recognized the gravity of the situation.

India approached the United Nations, seeking legitimacy for its actions. The UN responded by passing resolutions advocating for a plebiscite, allowing Kashmiris to determine their future. Yet, India’s refusal to implement these resolutions has bred widespread frustration.

International law, particularly the right to self-determination outlined in the UN Charter, has been blatantly ignored. A significant turning point came on August 5, 2019, when India revoked Article 370, stripping Jammu and Kashmir of its special status.

This action ignited protests and a brutal military crackdown, accompanied by reports of human rights abuses, arbitrary detentions, and extrajudicial killings. The prolonged internet blackout intensified the isolation of Kashmiris, showcasing a deliberate disregard for their basic rights.

The inaction of the international community compounds this tragedy. Despite overwhelming evidence of human rights violations, the UN remains largely silent. Many resolutions have been passed, but none have produced tangible results.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), meant to protect Muslim-majority interests, has also failed to act decisively, allowing India to continue its oppressive policies unchecked. Meanwhile, Pakistan struggles with its own domestic issues, hindering effective advocacy for Kashmir.

Pakistan has raised the Kashmir issue globally, questioning if the world will uphold justice or remain silent in the face of India’s economic clout. India’s growing economy has shielded it from significant international scrutiny, leading many countries to prioritize trade over human rights.

India’s actions in IIOJK violate international law and self-determination principles. By denying Kashmiris their right to choose their destiny, India undermines democracy and justice. The international community’s failure to intervene reflects how economic interests often overshadow moral imperatives.

At the core of this issue lies the suffering of the Kashmiri people. India seeks Kashmir while ignoring its inhabitants’ plight. From the abrogation of Article 370 to violent repression, India focuses on territorial control rather than addressing genuine grievances of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.