Persistent Human Rights Violations in Kashmir: APHC Calls for International Intervention

Persistent Human Rights Violations in Kashmir: APHC Calls for International Intervention

December 7, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has recently condemned what it describes as the Indian troops’ ongoing severe atrocities against the unarmed residents of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Despite the use of brutal tactics, the APHC argues that India has failed to suppress the unwavering freedom sentiment of the Kashmiri people, who remain resolute in their struggle for self-determination.

In a statement, an APHC spokesperson highlighted the oppressive measures employed by Indian forces, particularly in the form of relentless arrest campaigns across occupied Kashmir. Even in severe cold weather, the troops conduct frequent cordon and search operations, compelling people to stand outdoors for hours and subjecting them, including women and children, to harassment.

Expressing grave concern, the spokesperson drew attention to the plight of Kashmiris who are unlawfully detained in various jails. The APHC called upon international human rights organizations to exert pressure on India, urging the immediate release of these detainees. This appeal underscores the organization’s commitment to advocating for the rights of Kashmiris and shedding light on the widespread human rights abuses in the region.

The APHC spokesperson emphasized the indisputable reality of the Kashmir dispute and insisted that India cannot evade its responsibility in addressing the issue. According to the statement, lasting peace in South Asia hinges on resolving the longstanding dispute in line with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and the UN resolutions. The APHC’s stance underscores the urgency of finding a just and lasting solution to the conflict.

The statement also acknowledged Pakistan’s consistent call for a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir dispute. However, it lamented India’s persistent intransigence, which the APHC sees as a major obstacle to achieving a peaceful resolution. The spokesperson urged India to initiate a meaningful dialogue with both Pakistan and Kashmiris, emphasizing the necessity of resolving the dispute once and for all.

Therefore, the APHC’s recent statement sheds light on the ongoing human rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The organization’s call for international intervention reflects its determination to bring attention to the gravity of the situation. As the dispute persists, the APHC emphasizes the crucial role of international human rights organizations and the need for India to engage in meaningful dialogue for a lasting and peaceful resolution to the Kashmir conflict.