MMU Protests Unfounded Charges against Agha Syed Hassan Al Mosavi Al-Safavi in IIOJK

MMU Protests Unfounded Charges against Agha Syed Hassan Al Mosavi Al-Safavi in IIOJK

December 14, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

The Muttahida Majlis-e-Ulama (MMU) in Jammu and Kashmir has vehemently opposed the registration of a case against one of its members and esteemed religious leader, Agha Syed Hassan Al Moosvi Al-Safavi. The charges leveled against Agha Moosvi, accusing him of spreading religious animosity, have been denounced as baseless and without merit by the MMU.

According to a statement issued by the MMU in Srinagar, Agha Moosvi has consistently worked towards fostering sectarian unity and communal harmony within the region. The organization contends that the allegations of spreading religious animosity against him are groundless and lack any substantial basis. The MMU firmly asserts that Agha Moosvi has been a proponent of peace and has played a pivotal role in maintaining order and mutual brotherhood, particularly in the aftermath of an incident in the Sumbal area.

The statement highlights Agha Sahib’s significant contribution to the restoration of peace and communal understanding following the incident in Sumbal. It emphasizes his dedication to promoting unity among various religious sects and fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and harmony. The MMU suggests that the case against Agha Moosvi is not only unjust but also contradicts his proven commitment to maintaining peace and order in the region.

The MMU is urging the administration to reconsider and withdraw the charges against the religious leader. In doing so, the organization seeks to rectify what it perceives as a grave injustice against Agha Moosvi. The statement from the MMU calls into question the legitimacy of the case and insists that such accusations undermine the significant efforts made by Agha Sahib to bridge divides and promote communal understanding.

This incident sheds light on the delicate balance between religious freedom and the potential misuse of legal mechanisms to stifle voices advocating unity and harmony. The MMU’s response underscores the importance of recognizing and appreciating the role played by religious leaders like Agha Syed Hassan Al Moosvi Al-Safavi in promoting peace and mutual understanding.

To conclude, the Muttahida Majlis-e-Ulama’s firm stand against the charges faced by Agha Moosvi reflects the organization’s commitment to defending the rights of religious leaders who strive for unity and harmony in the face of baseless accusations. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by those dedicated to fostering interfaith dialogue and understanding in sensitive regions.