India Blames Others For Own Misdeeds

India Blames Others For Own Misdeeds

February 6, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

In recent times, Indian political and military sources have resorted to issuing delusional and distracting statements on the deteriorating law and order situation in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). This diversionary tactic is aimed at deflecting attention from the severe human rights violations perpetrated by Indian occupation forces in the region. Despite claims of normalcy following the abrogation of Article 370, India continues to blame neighboring countries, particularly Pakistan and China, for its own misdeeds.

The Indian media plays a pivotal role in perpetuating a well-orchestrated propaganda campaign, diverting the international community’s focus from the egregious human rights violations committed by Indian forces. While India boasts about the success of eliminating border infiltration and restoring order post the abrogation of Article 370, it conveniently maligns Pakistan whenever it suits its nefarious designs.

A significant aspect of India’s blame game is its attempt to sideline the political rights of Kashmiris, granted under the UN resolution. The politically motivated decisions, including the abrogation of Article 370, reveal India’s relentless pursuit of placing the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Chief Minister to usurp the legitimate political rights of Kashmiris.

The absurd claims by India directly accusing China and Pakistan of destabilizing law and order in IIOJK showcase Indian diplomatic high-handedness, employing falsehood as a tool of statecraft. Such baseless statements not only demonstrate Indian diplomatic shallowness but also undermine the credibility of its international stance.

The recent suspension of Internet services in Rajouri and Poonch has further unveiled the myth of normalcy, peace, and prosperity in IIOJK. This move, coupled with the mysterious deaths of individuals after being picked up by the Indian Occupation Army for questioning, has triggered widespread resentment and protests among the local population.

Despite India’s repressive tactics, the suspension of Internet services and the disturbing video illustrating torture on innocent civilians in IIOJK have exposed the true nature of Indian authorities and security forces. The indiscriminate killings of Kashmiri youth under the guise of cordon and search operations have failed to suppress the resilient spirit of the people in their pursuit of freedom.

To conclude, India’s continuous blame game and diversionary tactics serve to mask its own misdeeds in IIOJK. The international community must scrutinize the situation closely and hold India accountable for its human rights violations instead of falling prey to the smoke and mirrors orchestrated by its political and military sources.