House Arrest of Kashmiri Leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Sparks Controversy

House Arrest of Kashmiri Leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Sparks Controversy

February 9, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Authorities in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir region have once again placed Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, under house arrest. This move, condemned by the Anjuman Auqaf in Srinagar, is perceived as an attempt to thwart his participation in Friday prayers at the Srinagar Jamia Masjid.

The Anjuman Auqaf strongly denounced the repeated house arrests of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, asserting that the measure was taken to prevent him from visiting the mosque and delivering the mandatory Friday sermon. The organization highlighted the anticipation of a large congregation eager to hear Mirwaiz’s sermon, emphasizing the religious significance of his presence at the mosque during Friday prayers.

Despite the release from house arrest in September of the previous year, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has faced restrictions on delivering Friday sermons, being allowed to do so only on three occasions. The recent house arrest has once again raised concerns about the continuous curtailment of his freedom.

This latest incident unfolded early in the morning, as a contingent of police vehicles surrounded Mirwaiz’s residence, leading to his immediate detention. The Anjuman Auqaf expressed its disappointment at the authorities’ actions, citing them as an infringement on the right to practice religious rituals freely.

The recurring nature of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq’s house arrests suggests a persistent effort by authorities to limit his influence and curb his engagement with the public, particularly during significant religious gatherings. The mosque, a central hub for communal prayers and discussions, has been a focal point for Mirwaiz to address his followers and share his perspective on the prevailing political situation.

The international community has often criticized such restrictions on religious leaders and the violation of basic human rights in the region. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq’s advocacy for the rights of the people in Indian-administered Kashmir has been a source of tension between local authorities and the pro-freedom leader.

As Kashmir continues to encounter political unrest, the recurring house arrests of influential leaders like Mirwaiz Umar Farooq add fuel to the existing controversy surrounding the autonomy of the region. The global community watches closely as these incidents unfold, calling for a resolution that upholds the principles of democracy, freedom, and human rights in the disputed territory.