Collusion of Oppression: India and Israel’s Dangerous Duo

Collusion of Oppression: India and Israel’s Dangerous Duo

October 21, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Political analysts are ringing alarm bells over the disturbing alliance between India and Israel, particularly in their oppressive tactics in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and Palestine. This collaboration isn’t just strategic; it’s a blueprint for systematic occupation.

Both nations are employing similar methods of violence against their populations. The Modi regime in India has adopted Israel’s brutal playbook, inflicting fear and repression in IIOJK. The recent domicile law exemplifies this, echoing the Israeli settler colonial agenda that seeks to manipulate the demographics of the region. This strategy raises critical concerns about the future of the Kashmiri people.

Experts argue that India and Israel are two sides of the same oppressive coin. For over seventy years, both Kashmiris and Palestinians have fought for their fundamental rights. Their demands for self-determination are not mere requests; they are legitimate claims recognized by international law. Yet, these calls continue to fall on deaf ears.

The international community is urged to take action. Ignoring the plight of IIOJK and Palestine only emboldens the aggressors. The unresolved Kashmir and Palestine disputes are not just regional issues; they threaten global peace and stability. The consequences of inaction are dire.

Moreover, the military partnership between India and Israel is a ticking time bomb for humanity. Both nations are brazenly violating international laws, creating a dangerous precedent for state-sponsored violence. This alliance must be scrutinized and challenged on the world stage.

As the oppressive tactics practiced, the need for a robust global response is increasingly urgent. The lives of countless individuals hang in the balance. The world cannot afford to remain silent while these violations continue.

The collaboration between India and Israel is an alarming manifestation of modern imperialism. Their strategies of occupation are horrifyingly similar, and the ramifications extend far beyond their borders. The quest for justice in Kashmir and Palestine is a fight for humanity itself.

The time for passive observation is over. Action is required, not just from the international community but from every individual who values human rights. The struggle for freedom and self-determination is universal, and it’s time to stand in solidarity with those fighting against oppression. The world must wake up and confront these injustices before it’s too late.