Rallying for Kashmir outside UN: ‘No Election but Self Determination’

Rallying for Kashmir outside UN: ‘No Election but Self Determination’

September 30, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

A significant gathering of Kashmiri-Americans and supporters convened at the United Nations, defying adverse weather conditions to advocate for Kashmir’s freedom from Indian control. Their determination underscored a deep commitment to justice.

Participants displayed banners with powerful messages, including calls for adherence to UN resolutions, a rejection of Indian elections in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), and demands for human rights. Their slogans expressed solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris, highlighting a strong sense of unity among those present.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General of the World Kashmir Awareness Forum, articulated concerns over the presence of Indian representatives at the UN. He criticized Indian Foreign Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar, asserting that his participation undermined the forum’s integrity. Dr. Fai labeled the Modi government a threat to global peace, calling for recognition of Kashmir’s plight.

Dr. Fai emphasized that Kashmiris have never accepted Indian rule, pointing out that the region’s annexation post-1947 was not supported by its people. He argued that India’s unilateral actions regarding Kashmir have consistently been rejected by international bodies, including the UN.

Dr. Pir Ali Shah Bukhari expressed that the Indian delegate’s presence compromises the UN’s purpose of establishing global fairness. He called for decisive action to implement resolutions that guarantee Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, warning of demographic shifts threatening the region’s identity.

Dr. Bukhari also criticized the UN’s passive approach, urging that statements calling for India and Pakistan to resolve issues bilaterally ignore Kashmiris’ voices and aspirations. He noted that the population is increasingly at risk due to systemic changes.

Dr. Imtiaz Khan, a Kashmiri-American scholar, reacted to Jaishankar’s comments on human dignity, labeling them hypocritical. He underscored that the Indian government’s human rights violations contradict its claims of promoting global dignity.

Dr. Khan insisted that it is morally reprehensible for Indian officials to preach human rights while suppressing the Kashmiris. He condemned the abrogation of Articles 35A and 370, viewing it as an affront to the UN and a deceptive tactic by India.

He pointed out that the recent elections in IIOJK, overseen by a massive military presence, were farcical. He reiterated that the only resolution for the conflict is a plebiscite under UN guidance.

Sardar Sawar Khan, former Advisor to the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir, emphasized that Kashmiris must be included in negotiations for any resolution. He warned that Indian policies are designed to alter the demographic composition of Jammu and Kashmir.

Sardar Taj Khan, Vice Chairman of the Kashmir Mission in the USA, conveyed the unwavering support of the Pakistani nation for Kashmiris. He promised to expose the atrocities committed by the Indian government and to stand with Kashmiris until they achieve independence.

Muhammad Asaad, President of the Sufi Peace Forum, highlighted the moral obligation of world powers to intervene on behalf of Kashmiris. He condemned the systematic violence perpetrated by the Indian regime.

Khalid Awan, President of the PPP USA, affirmed that Kashmir remains a crucial issue, with its people deserving recognition of their right to self-determination. He insisted on the importance of global awareness regarding Kashmir’s struggles.

Ms. Madina Ambar, a coordinator from New York, expressed her unwavering support for Kashmir’s peaceful struggle, generating enthusiastic responses from the crowd. She passionately declared, “Long live Kashmir!”

Saghir Khan, President of the Kashmiri American Alliance, stressed that self-determination for Kashmiris is non-negotiable. He called for peaceful dialogue involving all parties to resolve the ongoing conflict.

Moulana Malik Sahid from Long Island highlighted the need for international recognition of Indian atrocities. He urged peace-loving individuals to voice concerns for the oppressed.

Sardar Imtiaz Khan Garalvi noted that the past five years under Modi have turned Kashmir into a dire situation for its people, who have consistently resisted Indian military presence.

Raja Razzaq, a community leader, insisted that the world must intervene to halt the severe human rights abuses committed against Kashmiris. He also called for the release of political prisoners in IIOJK.

Young activist Sardar Sajid Sawar described the ongoing violence as a form of genocide, highlighting the resilience of the Kashmiri people despite brutal oppression.

Sardar Shoaib Irshad from the Kashmir American Welfare Association warned against the illegal eviction and land grabs occurring in IIOJK, categorizing these actions as war crimes.

Altaf Adha from Virginia reminded the audience of their collective responsibility to support the struggle for self-determination in Kashmir. He emphasized the need for U.S. attention to the issue.

Raja Mukhtar from JKLF USA underscored the unwavering support for Yasin Malik, a prominent Kashmiri leader, who remains committed to a peaceful resolution.

Ms. Amna Habib Taj criticized the Modi government for its fascist ideologies and called for global exposure of these actions.

The event, marked by passionate speeches, sent a clear message: the plight of Kashmiris in IIOJK will not be ignored. Activists reiterated their commitment to stand in solidarity with those fighting for justice and freedom against Indian occupation.