APHC Decry Upcoming IIOJK Elections as a “Military Exercise”

APHC Decry Upcoming IIOJK Elections as a “Military Exercise”

September 11, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Leaders of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC)—Khawaja Firdous, Syed Bashir Andrabi, and Muhammad Shafi Lone—have condemned the upcoming assembly elections in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). They argue that these elections are merely a military exercise designed to undermine the disputed status of the region and mislead the international community.

In a joint statement issued from Srinagar, the APHC leaders expressed their strong rejection of the elections, likening them to previous attempts that were also dismissed by the Kashmiri people. They argue that holding elections under the presence of tens of thousands of Indian troops compromises the credibility and legitimacy of the process.

The leaders emphasized that Kashmiris are fighting for their right to self-determination and will persist in their struggle until their goals are met. They called on the United Nations and international human rights organizations to exert pressure on India to release all Kashmiri prisoners, including political leaders, activists, and youth detained in jails.

Abdul Samad Inqilabi, another prominent APHC leader, has urged the UN to fulfill its role in resolving the Kashmir dispute in line with its own resolutions. He stressed that achieving lasting peace and development in South Asia is contingent upon addressing the Kashmir issue. Inqilabi criticized the Modi government for allegedly violating international laws, particularly by attempting to alter the demographic composition of the region, which he views as a direct breach of UN resolutions.

The APHC leaders have called for the UN to take action against what they describe as India’s illegal practices in IIOJK. They argue that international intervention is crucial to resolve the ongoing dispute and address the broader implications of India’s actions in the region.

As the election approaches, the APHC’s stance highlights the deep-seated tensions and the ongoing struggle for self-determination in IIOJK. The international community is urged to consider these concerns and play a proactive role in addressing the Kashmir conflict and its implications for regional stability.