India’s Shifting Alliances and Controversial Policies: A Challenge for Western Partnerships

India’s Shifting Alliances and Controversial Policies: A Challenge for Western Partnerships

September 9, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

India’s deepening ties with Russia, coupled with its controversial domestic and foreign policies, are raising questions about its reliability as a Western ally.

Recent defense agreements between India and Russia have led some analysts to question India’s loyalty. This growing partnership with Russia contrasts sharply with Western interests, creating a sense of unease among Western allies.

In addition, India’s internal policies, including its crackdown on Muslim communities and its approach to the Kashmir conflict, have attracted criticism from Western nations. These issues have strained India’s relationship with its Western partners.

Moreover, India’s decision to circumvent US sanctions by boosting trade with Russia has added to the concerns. Despite international pressure, India has established alternative banking mechanisms and utilized non-dollar currencies to facilitate this trade. As a result, Russian exports to India have surged six-fold in just two years, reaching a substantial $61 billion.

While some experts view this maneuver as a “masterstroke in economic diplomacy,” the long-term viability of this strategy remains uncertain. The shifting dynamics of global trade and politics may influence how sustainable these new economic ties will prove to be.

As the international community becomes more interconnected, the West faces the challenge of reassessing its relationship with India. The country’s actions necessitate a reevaluation of whether it can be counted on as a dependable ally in an increasingly complex global landscape.

The West must navigate these shifting alliances carefully. India’s balancing act between strengthening ties with Russia and managing its controversial domestic policies may impact its role and reliability on the global stage.