Boost Your Health with Baby Carrots: Simple Changes for Big Benefits

Boost Your Health with Baby Carrots: Simple Changes for Big Benefits

July 10, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Vegetables are celebrated for their versatility and health benefits. However, many people may overlook a simple yet powerful addition to their diet: baby carrots. Eating three servings of baby carrots weekly can significantly boost essential nutrients, according to a new study presented at Nutrition 2024, the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition.

Surveys from 2015 and 2019 revealed that only about 1 in 10 American adults consumed the recommended 2 to 3 cups of vegetables daily. This statistic inspired Mary Harper Simmons and her team to find an easy solution to increase vegetable intake.

“Baby carrots are grab-and-go, great with ranch, hummus, or even peanut butter,” said Simmons, a nutrition graduate student at Samford University. She aims to show that improving health can be achieved with small, simple changes rather than drastic overnight transformations.

In the study, one serving of baby carrots was around eight to 12 carrots, equivalent to 100 grams or half a cup. The research involved 60 young adults divided into four groups: those who ate carrots three times a week, those who took a multivitamin supplement, those who combined both, and a control group.

After four weeks, the study found a 10.8% increase in carotenoids in the skin of participants who ate the carrots. Carotenoids are natural antioxidants that help prevent inflammation and promote heart health. Interestingly, those who only took the multivitamin did not see any changes in carotenoid levels. However, participants who combined carrots and supplements saw the most significant benefits, with a 21.6% increase in skin carotenoids.

“People might think taking a multivitamin supplement is enough, but that alone did not increase carotenoid accumulation. The combination of food and supplements seemed to have the most significant effect,” said Dr. Suresh Mathews, the principal investigator of the study and chair of Samford’s department of nutrition and dietetics.

Mathews emphasized the effectiveness of the “food first” philosophy. While supplements can be beneficial, especially for those with dietary limitations, incorporating foods like baby carrots can have a more substantial impact.

Incorporating baby carrots into your diet is a simple and effective way to boost your health. Their convenience and versatility make them an easy addition to meals and snacks. This small change can significantly increase your intake of essential nutrients and improve overall well-being.