June 26, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

A misleading diplomat article, written by a Pakistani origin scholar points out that China has downgraded its relationship with Pakistan from the “highest priority” to “a priority”.

The relationship between Pakistan and China transcends mere political fluctuations; it is deeply rooted in strategic alignments and mutual support. China has consistently demonstrated strong backing for Pakistan on various international platforms. Despite occasional challenges, the bond remains resilient and continues to strengthen.

Historically, Pakistan has upheld its commitment to ensuring its territory is not used against China’s interests, a pledge reaffirmed by successive governments all along. This commitment underscores Pakistan’s steadfast support for China’s security concerns.

Pakistan’s unwavering stance on Taiwan as a part of China and its alignment with China’s position on Kashmir exemplify the depth of mutual trust and understanding between the two nations. This alignment is not merely rhetorical but reflects a shared commitment to sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The strategic collaboration between Pakistan and China extends beyond diplomatic rhetoric to concrete cooperation in defense and technology. Pakistan’s armed forces rely significantly on advanced Chinese technology across all three branches, showcasing the practical and strategic dimensions of their partnership. Claims of souring relations are misleading and may be influenced by domestic political agendas elsewhere.

The propaganda aimed at creating divisions between Pakistan and China, fueled by external actors, should be viewed with caution. Such narratives often overlook the robust foundations of the Pak-China relationship and the broader strategic imperatives that guide their cooperation.

During PM Shehbaz Sharif’s recent visit to China, he and President Xi Jinping reaffirmed their commitment to the high-quality development and timely completion of ongoing projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). They agreed on advancing CPEC’s second phase and enhancing infrastructure, underscoring China’s steadfast support for Pakistan’s sovereignty and their enduring “all-weather strategic partnership.”

Both leaders also acknowledged Pakistan’s longstanding support for China, dating back to the 1962 Sino-Indian War, particularly on critical issues such as Taiwan, Xinjiang and Xizang (Tibet). This mutual support reinforces the integral nature of their bilateral relations based on mutual respect and cooperation. In conclusion, Pakistan and China share a robust, multifaceted relationship that is rooted in mutual respect, strategic alignment, and tangible cooperation. Attempts to undermine this relationship through unfounded claims of deterioration serve only to obscure the enduring strength of their partnership.